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The count Down

I have had a very busy week the week. I have planned to film my video at the weekend and therefore I must be pretty much finished my physical components by Friday.

I started the week by milling the slots for the silicon boarder on the chopping board and cutting the hole in which the bowls will sit. After the previous mould dramas, after a few attempts I was able to produce two, close to perfect, silicone components.

I unfortunately experienced more problems concerning moulds, now the silicone rim on the bowls is causing me problems. I have tried many attempts and I am getting better each time I pour these components however I ran out of silicone and have had to settled a finish that I think I could do better than. I have more silicone on the way and I will hopefully have enough time to repour these parts of my design.

With that aside, today I cut the frame off the two halfs of my milled handle and sanded the splints off. I am pleased to say that I now have the the handle assembled and with the blade inserted and stabilised, the only addition to the handle at this stage is the soft grip on the under side.

I decided that an app or recipe book would be to big a project in the time I have left however I have come up with an accessory to my product that I believe is more appropriate than either of my previous ideas. I will be designing a series of post cards that are specific to the preparation of individual food produce. The user would select a recipe that they enjoy and select the necessary cards that correspond to the ingredients necessary to to complete the recipe. The children will be capable of following the instructions displayed on the card that convoy how the child can prepare the ingredient using my product.

At the moment I am not completely confident that I will complete my product to the standard I would have liked by tomorrow, however with a bit of luck on my side I will be able to get the best product I can in order to film my video and shoot my hero image.

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